Ancient Truth

God's solutions to man's problems

Discipleship IV

God’s great sign visible to the whole world should have been unity among the disciples of Christ. Lack of unity manifests the lack of knowledge of God. Sadly the devil disrupted this unity. Today, many things divide humanity; color of skin, education, riches, relatives, selfishness, poverty; and many more

Discipleship (III)

For any sinner to love God it must mean dependency on the cross for removal of sin and death by the gift of the Spirit. This in turn means having true knowledge of God from hearing and doing of the Word. So, as a disciple becomes knowledgeable in the Word and is thus instructed, this instruction develops into discipleship.

Discipleship II

The disciples took more than three years to become capable of exercising the rule of grace in God’s Kingdom.They lived with Christ, heard, saw, and felt the divine power of grace as it worked among the people of Israel. The power and the exercise of the rule of grace (the Word), Jesus describes it as indeed it would affect every individual life, so that all would become one body of Christ with the same character/ behaviour.

The Effect of Sin

The Effect of Sin

Jesus reveals the worst sin (rejection of God) in the world. Sin in the heart is invisible and so is its ruler. The devil rules the world in a way that does not appear harmful to humanity. All our human senses have been sold to the world or to the devil. It is Jesus the Messiah who alone reveals the sinfulness of rejecting God in order to deliver us from our blindness, and all evil schemes of the devil; to a new life which starts here on earth – God’s Kingdom.

“No Love” Without Hate

“No Love” Without Hate

During Jesus’ baptism, the spirit came down, as God’s divinely appointed proof that Jesus was the Messiah, the Savior. The same spirit is a gift from God to be received by every repentant sinner. The same spirit is the love of God poured into our hearts as a result of Christ’s work on the cross; this comes after our conviction of sin through the Law.

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