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Christians Deadly, Worlds Apart

Luke CH 2:1-52

Christianity has given false comfort to the world. The word “Christian” was never used or defined by our Lord Christ. It was simply a label by pagans to those who followed Paul in Antioch. These pagans were looking for miracles. The word “Christian” therefore, has no specific spiritual meaning, no form, no power, no direction; and different groups justify their individual beliefs.

Discipleship on the other hand is well defined in all Scripture especially in the New Testament and Jesus called his followers disciples.

Jesus through John the Baptist laid down the elements which transform flesh and blood to discipleship and this is the whole plan of salvation in Luke Chapter 21-52 consisting of the following.

  1.  Mercy – the Sign.
  2. The New law, New Kingdom
  3. God’s Love – our righteousness

1) Mercy

Abraham waited for this great sign; the Messiah, the heavenly kingdom and in this faith he died together with those of the same faith, the seed.

The sign came in a human body in the city of David, not in a house but a manger wrapped in swathing clothes but most importantly, the Angel’s announcement of a Savior, the deliverer promised to Israel and to the world. This is the great sign, the sign rejected from Adam, hence the terrible consequences of flesh and blood, our condemnation to eternal death.

All flesh and blood has the sin of Adam plus our own individual rejection of mercy; or more precisely “The Word”; which is constantly rejected, misread and misunderstood, etc.

2) The New Kingdom – a new rule

Simeon is very instructive in his discipleship (the New Kingdom).

What controls every man anywhere in the world is the society in which man lives, with its rules, customs, religions, status, etc. All these and more are nothing but flesh and blood – meaning carnal. It is difficult to see the difference except for few disciples in the world who are like Simeon.

On the day of purification, Simeon makes no reference to all Levitical requirements. The scene described in detail is about the supreme gift of mercy as was revealed to Simeon. This gift of mercy had been received by Simeon and it occupied his entire life. To see the baby Jesus born was a great bonus to him. It was the highest moment in his life and so he declared:

“A slave now set free” from sin and eternal death.

With the saving gift in his hands, Simeon further stated: “Lord, now let thou thy servant depart in peace for thine eyes have seen thy salvation.” This is the faith (baptism) which leads to the gift of spirit which is discipleship.

A new Law, God’s love filled Simeon’s heart and hence he lived a completely different life. This new law of love is the disciples’ righteousness here in this world below.

3)  God’s Love – (Our righteousness)

“The Word” – (Christ) is the disciples’ righteousness. It is the real light shining in the darkness. John reports that at the age of twelve – Jesus had gained a fully developed mind and intellect, completely occupied with God’s saving plan, God’s love to the world.

Jesus was never touched by sin. He saw through every error and deception because he possessed all truth and could master every situation and God’s favor was upon him. It is so true that Jesus is the real light shining in the darkness which has existed since the foundation of the world.

This Youth with his light met the real darkness head on in the Temple. The scene is unimaginable. Jesus was alone, neither his parents nor John the Baptist were there to report. In no way could the teachers and Rabbis ever report what transpired during their first meeting with the lad.

From what transpired after the parent’s return to the temple and his short reply: – “always at my father’s business” plus what follows through Jesus’ entire life, we can understand exactly the argument between the lad and the Rabbis.

Jesus must have introduced himself as the Messiah – the very hope of their fore fathers’ Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. We can imagine how they looked at this lad. Jesus must have presented himself as the one Law of Love replacing all the Jewish traditions and laws, Sabbath, tithes, sacrifices, etc. They must have been startled; in fact they did not comprehend what he was talking about – it is the same situation today.

Unfortunately, the many traditions and legalistic rituals are still practiced in Christian places of worship in many denominations.

Jesus must have pointed out his sacrificial death, resurrection, and exaltation into glory; the supreme love of God to the world. He must have talked of their rejection (crucifixion) and their salvation by His death.

He must have pointed out their need for John the Baptist’s of fire of repentance to become a disciple; and that upon rejection, God’s condemnation including the destruction of Jerusalem. Christianity has created a righteousness of its own, a righteousness that is different from one denomination to another, hence the many denominations existing today. The church is supposed to be one; in thought, in word and in deed. Unfortunately, it is not so. Christianity and discipleship are a world apart from the “ancient truth” (the spiritual life). This is largely wanting in our world.


Holds a bachelor's degree in Economics and is a Chartered Global Management Accountant, CGMA (UK), Founder and Managing Director of Intesolmac Uganda Limited - a Business Partner for Sage Plc South Africa. Married with two sons, two daughters and a niece. Educated in the school of Richard C. H. Lenski, using Lenski's voluminous expository textbooks of the New Testament, who was once a professor and seminary dean at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

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